Introduced Camping Trailers in India – First in India

India’ First Roving Camp  Corona (COVID-19) has hit the humanity like a bolt from the blue and left lots of...

Caravaning is Quite Enticing… exciting glamorous … but NOT for everyone …

Caravaning has been one of the main activities for the outdoor enthusiasts in the West, but with Corona Pandemic it...


Variants of Recreational Vehicle

Campervan Holidays in Ladakh  Caravan / RV tourism has spurted in India and added a new chapter in the industry...

Taurus Riverbed of Indus at Nimu, Ladakh

Taurus – India’s first overland truck offers access to those places which remain beyond travellers because there is no logistical...

Taurus at Village Lake Dedha

Taurus at Village Lake Dedha

Taurus And Sand Dune Shepherd with Goats

Taurus And Sand Dune Shepherd with Goats

Taurus and Sand Dunes Ranao

Taurus and Sand Dunes Ranao

Taurus Tents Lit Up Evening Phey

Taurus Tents Lit Up Evening Phey

Taurus offers the most amazing and exhilarating outdoor experience. Its the most elaborate overland truck globally, designed by Capt Suresh...