Pet Friendly Policy

Our camping is “Pet Friendly” as long as pets are friendly and nice. No dangerous animals are allowed at our camp.
At Green Dot Expeditions, we welcome our guests with pets, though only friendly, well trained and non-aggressive ones and managed by the guests.
We understand not all pets are the same but we certainly need to spell out common terms and practices to follow at.
Here are the terms and conditions for bringing pets along.
- No dangerous animals i.e. snakes, banned breeds of dogs, lizards, spiders, etc.
- Only 2 pets a family.
- Info about the number of pets, breed, size of the pet must be shared before booking.
- The pet should be on leash all the time at the camp or in its proper pet crate or cage, however docile it could be. This is required so the pet doesn’t cause harm/ disturbance to the crew, the other guests or the locals.
- Pet should not be left unattended inside the trailer or outside anywhere in the camp.
- Guests should bring along poop kit so it’s picked up immediately by the owners and disposed off suitably as per the norms of the camp.
- We reserve the right to demand that a pet be removed from the camp due to aggressive, threatening, menacing behavior or for being constantly noisy, without any refund. In case guests decide to vacate the camp with the pet then there will be no refund or adjustment in the tariff paid.
- Guests are requested to produce documents of immunization and vaccination records before the booking.
- The pet must be treated for fleas/ ticks before hand.
- Any damage to the mattress or linen or anything in the camp, guests will have to pay for the costs involved for the replacement of the items (cost of the item, man hours involved in procurement and freight).
- Wet pets should not enter the trailer or the tents. We won’t accept the dirty linen or linen and trailer with the pet’s smell.
- In case, pets tend to wet the bed at night, guests are requested to bring waterproof sheets/ bed covers to cover the bedding.
- The feet of the pet should be cleaned before entering the trailers, always. We suggest guests should bring a brush for the purpose.
- Guests are requested to keep their pets to their living/ seating area, not to the kitchen and dining side at the camp.
- Pets are not allowed on hammocks, camping chairs and cot. Guests may bring along these for their pets.
- We as a crew won’t be able to extend any help to lookafter the pets.
- We won’t be responsible for any kind of injury or death of any pet at our camp, reasons could be any. It’s an outdoor life in wilderness.
- Before arriving with the pet, guests have to pay a “deposit”. In case of any damage or harm caused we will deduct the costs involved. In case there has been no untoward incident the deposit will be returned at the end of the holiday.
- Tariff for pet’s stay is Rs 1200 per night, this excludes food for the pet.
- The cost of food per pet is Rs 995 per day (one night means two days). Arrival could be anytime of the day.
- Pet’s food per day will be served as 500 gms of boiled chicken, 500 gms of boiled rice (average, non Basmati), 2 eggs. Anything else i.e. extra eggs, chapati, butter, milk, etc. will be as extra bill.
- Please carry pet-food along.
Pet’s Utensils
- Appropriate utensils should be brought by the guests to feed the dog at the camp as well as on excursions.
- Utensils will be washed by the guests, soon after the pet has finished it’s meal. Once leftover food dries up, it consumes more water and effort for washing and we conserve water religiously.
- Blankets/ quilts at our camp are only for the guests.
- Please bring two bed sheets for your pet, and a full body cover to manage hair-fall.
- If linen gets soiled/ torn by the pet for any reasons, we will charge for a brand new set of linen (plus the cost of procurement process). The soiled set will be handed over to the guests.

Best offbeat holiday for the young to enjoy and enhance their bonding with friends while detoxing in wilderness with the touch of Mother Nature. It can’t be better than this for the youth to rejuvenate after the stress of Corona Pandemic, it’s the safe holidays. It’s loaded with comforts for fun, we set up the most unique infrastructure for outdoor vacation.